Your First Start-up Pitch Deck

How to craft your first start-up pitch deck It is time to grow your business and you start to meet investors and venture capitals (VC) for fundraising. Now, you’re off to a good start and certainly should take this opportunity to pitch to the prospective investors and get them to learn more about your business. […]

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Your step-by-step guide to social media marketing

Social Media Marketing Social media is one of those all encompassing terms that refers to any kind of public profile or page on the Internet. Perhaps one of the best things about social media is its ability to connect consumers and businesses. In this ever growing digital world, it’s imperative that businesses learn how to […]

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Tips and tricks to help you start your business

What you need to know when starting your own business You have a great idea and a plan to bring that idea to life in the form of a new company. Congratulations! You are well on your way to starting your own successful business. Unfortunately, we all know that even the best idea is not enough. What comes […]

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